Rock the Ask!
A Question Class:
Salesforce Data Model Discovery

"I just need you to add a few fields."

Sound familiar?

You know it's not just about doing what's asked. It's about understanding the bigger picture and asking the questions to ensure you deliver the best solution.

Once you uncover the why behind the ask, more information is required to determine the right approach.

Maybe it is a few fields, but perhaps they should be captured on a related object. If so, do you use an existing object or create a new custom object?

You might not be certain what inputs from the business team are needed to make these determinations, particularly if you're a BA or a Product Owner who doesn't architect and execute the solution. Maybe you're frustrated that the dev team keeps sending you back for more information.

Maybe you aren't confident in your design decision as you don't have a framework to evaluate the options. Or perhaps you know what to build but struggle to articulate to your stakeholder why your solution differs from their initial request.

That's where this course comes in.

Introducing Rock the Ask! A Question Class: The Salesforce Data Model Edition, a live course with a "been there, done that" coach who will give you the confidence, context, and know-how to guide stakeholder discussions to deliver the best solution every time.

  • Become data model fluent.
  • Discover the crucial questions to ask and the context you need to interpret responses.
  • Demystify custom objects object relationships.
  • Confidently lead stakeholder discussions while adding value and demonstrating your Salesforce expertise
  • Boost your intuitive know-how with frameworks that will ensure you gather the complete set of inputs and enable you better articulate design decisions.
"The number one way to improve your Salesforce solutions? Ask better questions."
-Jodi Hrbek, course instructor and author of Rock your Role as a Salesforce Admin

Limited enrollment will be available soon for the live beta course launching in January.

Special introductory price: $249

Course Includes:

  • 5 hours of live instruction
  • Audio files with sample discovery calls
  • Valuable resources like downloadable frameworks and PDF cheatsheets
  • Plenty of Jodi's signature Pro tips, talk tracks, and calm-the-chaos caveats

Sharpen your skills, elevate your confidence, and deliver impactful Salesforce solutions.

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